Recently got a Cord charger installed? Congratulations! This guide provides a brief overview on how to get yourself going.
Quick start setup:
1. Download the Monta App from Google Play or Apple Store.
2. Open the Monta App.
3. Create Monta Account: Use your phone number or social logins (Apple/Google/Microsoft).
4. Final Steps: Follow the last few steps on the Monta app to complete the integration.
Charging operation and configuration
There are three ways to charge your car.
1. Charge using Monta app
- Plug the charging gun into the EV charge point.
- Ensure the charging gun is connected correctly and tightly.
- When connected correctly, the charge point’s LED indicator will flash green, indicating it is ready for charging.
- Start the charging session through the Monta app by selecting "charge now".
- When the charging session has started, the LED indicator will show a pulsing green pattern.
2. Charge using RFID card
An RFID card is provided in the box with the product. This negates the need to activate charging from the app.
- Register the 8-digit alphanumeric code on the RFID card to the Monta Charge key setting.
- Once registered as Monta Charge Key, the RFID card can be used to authorize a charging session even when the device is offline.
- Plug the charging gun into the EV charge point and vehicle.
- Ensure the charging gun is connected correctly and tightly.
- When connected correctly, the charge point’s LED indicator will flash green, indicating it is ready for charging.
- Hold the RFID card to the front of the charge point for 3 to 5 seconds. Once it is read, the charger will flash yellow.
- When the charging session has started, the LED indicator will show a pulsing green pattern.
- For help registering the RFID card, please see see here.
3. Plug and charge mode
- This is the simplest way to charge your car - once set up, all you need to do is plug the car in and go.
- To set this up - watch our video, or follow these steps:
- From the Monta app, select "chargers" -> "Home Charger" -> "Settings"
- Select "Access settings" -> "Private".
- Enable "Allow charging in peak hours".
- Disable "Enable SmartCharge"
- Enable "Enable AutoStart"
- Click "Save changes"
- Plug the gun into the car socket and lock the car.
- The car will start charging.
- To stop the charge, unlock the car or stop the charging from the car’s screen.
- Unplug the charger plug when the car is no longer charging.
What do the charger lights mean when using Monta app or plug and charge mode?
- A green indicator flashing slowly for 1 second at 3-second intervals indicates the charger is ready to use.
- Plug the charging connector into your EV’s charging socket.
- A green indicator flashing for 200ms at 1-second intervals indicates the charging connector is plugged in.
- A green indicator pulsing at 1-second intervals indicates the charging is in progress.
- Solid green light indicates the EV is fully charged.
- Unplug the charging connector. Return to standby mode after the charging has finished.
What do the charger lights mean when using RFID card activation?
- A green indicator flashing for 200ms at 1-second intervals indicates the charging connector is plugged in.
- To begin or end the charging process, place the RFID card in the designated reading area.
- A yellow indicator flashing at 100-ms intervals indicates the RFID card is successfully read.
I need help or would like further advice
Relax, we're here to help. Please visit our help & advice section and we'll guide you to get the most out of your Cord charger.
3. Plug and charge mode
This is the simplest way to charge your car - once set up, all you need to do is plug the car in and go.
From the Monta app, select "Plug and Play" from the charging modes.
Plug the gun into the car socket and lock the car.
The car will start charging.
To stop the charge, unlock the car or stop the charging from the car’s screen.
Unplug the charger plug when the car is no longer charging.
Charging Operation LED Indications