Advice articles

At Cord our mission is to make electric vehicle charging positively easy. Here you can read some of our advice articles to help you make the switch to electric.

If you need any help or support, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Frequently asked questions
Are home electric vehicle (EV) chargers AC or DC?
Home EV chargers are AC and as most UK homes have single phase electricity supply they are limited to...
Can I get a home electric vehicle (EV) charger if I rent the property?
Yes! You’ll need the landlord’s permission, but if you rent a house or a flat you can get up to £350...
I want to understand more about charging tariffs
Understanding the charging tariffs for your Cord wall-mounted charger is essential for managing your...
What is dynamic load balancing?
Dynamic load balancing is like the brainy sidekick of EV charging! It's a smart way to make sure your...
Will Cord chargers still work without an internet connection?
Yes! You can still authorise a charging session without an internet connection by using the supplied...
Will my Cord EV charger stop when the vehicle is full?
Your Cord EV charger is smart! It knows when your vehicle doesn't need any more juice, so it will stop...
Can my vehicle affect how my charger works?
Some electric vehicles come with their own unique charging settings that can influence how the charging...
Can the charger tell me how much charge is in my EV?
No, the charger cannot display the battery level of your vehicle. However, the Monta App supplied with...
Cord charger quick start guide
Please view our quick start guide here...
Are Cord chargers compatible with Intelligent Octopus Go energy tariff?
To use a Cord charger with the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff you will need a compatible vehicle - you...
Do you sell an untethered / socketed charger?
Yes, we sell a Cord Zero untethered EV charger - you can find out more ...
Can anybody use my EV charger?
Don't worry - nobody can use your EV charger unless you want them to!  During Installation, our...