Set Cord charger to plug and play mode

Set Cord charger to plug and play mode
Set Cord charger to plug and play mode

This guide explains how to connect Cord EV chargers to plug and play mode.  


Connecting to plug & play mode - step by step guide

Step 1 - connect to charger's local Wi-Fi network


  1. Switch your smartphone or tablet to airplane mode.
  2. Reboot the power of the charger and ensure the status light is flashing green. This indicates that the network is ready to connect. 
  3. Please note that the network configuration setting is only accessible 15 minutes after the power reboot.
  4. Switch your smartphone Wi-Fi on and connect to the chargers’ network. Its network name will begin with ‘SN100…’, this will match the charger’s serial number which can be found on the side of the charger. 
  5. For Cord One: If asked for a password enter ‘admin123’ and connect.
  6. For Cord Zero: If asked for a password enter your pin number that was created during installation. If you have forgotten this pin number, reset the charger by holding the reset button on the side of the charger for 15 seconds. This will reset the password to the initial Wi-Fi password used on installation - this can be found in either the user manual or on a sticker on the side of the charger. 
  7. Some phones might ask you at this point if you would like to auto-switch to the best network. Please reject this prompt.  

Step 2 - connect to charger backend


  1. Once connected to the network, open your phones browser, enter into the URL bar and press enter.  This will take you to the charger configuration page. 
  2. When asked, Input the 4-digit network pin. The network pin can be found on the cover of the charge point or on the user manual.
  3. Tap ‘login’
  4. If the webpage is not accessible, please reboot the charger’s power.

Step 3 - enable plug & play mode

  1. Tap on ‘charger setup’.
  2. Tap ‘switch charging mode’.
  3. Select ‘Plug and Play’
  4. Tap ‘confirm’.
  5. The charger may reboot at this point and apply the changes.


Please note that due to UK smart charging regulations, there is a randomised delay implemented and it may take up to 10 minutes for your car to start charging. This is to ensure gird integrity in the case of a blackout

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